Sunday, April 19, 2009

Piggies, Pennies, and People Make CHANGE

As a side note, someone once got their cliches confused (He claimed!) and asked what I was thinking about by saying "A penny for your two cents." Hardly seems like a fair trade...

Unbeknownst to my daughter, we are going to be making a piggy bank out of a 2-liter soda bottle and paper towel tubes. Or we are going to make 3 or 4 small piggy banks out of 20-oz bottles.

(For instructions to this craft, Google "soda bottle piggy bank craft" or "soda bottle piggy bank craft(s) project(s)" and use whichever directions work best for your supplies on hand.)

I came across a sidebar on page 116 of the April 2009 Ladies Home Journal that, in combination with the piggy or piglet banks, will help reinforce a few financial and life lessons:

1. One can and does make a difference. One penny, one person, one vote, one kind word.

2. Helping others feels good.

3. Spending money is instant gratification and feels good at the time but may not have long-lasting effects or rewards. Saving money is delayed gratification, which is even more delicious.

These groups were mentioned by LHJ:

Common Cents Penny Harvest
School kids give their pennies to help support community organizations. Kids choose which groups receive the contribution.

Pennies for Peace
Central Asia Institute's Pennies for Peace uses donations to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan for kids with few opportunities for education, particularly young girls.

Penny Lovers of America
This organization, in celebration of its 25 years in existence, is sponsoring the National Penny Recycling Campaign. The money collected will be used to fund college scholarships for disadvantaged kids.

Other organizations that I believe have coin-based fundraising include March of Dimes, United Way, and UNICEF. If you can think of any others, feel free to tell us about them by leaving a comment!

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