Monday, October 15, 2007

Easy recycling with HP - Blog Action Day!

So, here's the idea: Today is Blog Action Day, and the theme this year is the environment.

There is a free and easy way for your family to recycle ink cartridges from your printers, as well as several other office-related items. Let's reduce the "e-waste" we are creating.

What am I suggesting?

Easy, no-stress way to recycle printer ink cartridges, through Hewlett Packard. To order postage-paid envelopes, go to HP’s Planet Partners auto-form at

and select the first box (unless you are interested on recycling hardware, mercury lamps, or cell phones, in which case you can follow those links instead.) Follow the prompts to order your non-returnable at this link:

It is really simple and at no cost to the consumer. Each envelope holds up to three cartridges. Once you have signed up, envelopes are sent at regular intervals, so you do not have to repeatedly request them and then wait with your used-up cartridges taking up space in your desk.

HP also offers up several other ways for families to get involved in recycling other computer trash and cast-offs.

Can you think of other easy ways for a family to get involved in reducing waste, such as Nike's sneaker recycling program?

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